Hybridauth Additional Providers - How to install guide


Hybridauth is an Open source social sign on PHP Library. The main goal of HybridAuth is to act as an abstract api between your application and various social apis and identities providers such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Google.

Hybridauth come in two packages:

  1. HybridAuth Core library which include by default OpenID, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, Yahoo, Foursquare, AOL and Windows Live.
  2. And the additional providers package which contains many others social services and identity providers you may want to use such as Github, Tumblr, Viadeo, Vimeo, LastFM, and more.

Theses packages available to download at http://hybridauth.sourceforge.net/download.html

How to install and additional provider

To install any provider on this package, we simply need to copy the provider folder content, and then merge it into the Hybridauth core library.

For example, lets say you want to add Instagram to your authentication service:

  1. First, goto hybridauth-instagram/,
  2. Copy hybridauth-instagram/Providers/ and hybridauth-instagram/thirdparty/ (if exists) folders,
  3. Then, past them into HybridAuth core library: hybridauth-2.x.x/Hybrid/,
  4. Goto Instagram adapter specification web page on the online user guide to find out how to setup an new application,
  5. Finally, add the created instagram application credentials to your configuration :
				"base_url" => "http://mywebsite/path/to/hybridauth/", 

				"providers" => array (
					// ... others providers already setup ... // 

					// gowalla application credentials
					"Instagram" =>   array ( 
					   "enabled"   => true,
					   "keys"   => array ( "id" => "*****************", "secret" => "*********************************" )

Well, that's it. If you have any issue installing or using any providers drop me a line at hybridauth@gmail.com
You can also find the complete HybridAuth documentation at http://hybridauth.sourceforge.net/.